Wednesday, June 1, 2011

energy are limited

 Person riding a bicycle not far away. If you are too busy working and do not have time to think about what you do, you will not take full advantage of your accomplishments. Reduce the amount of work, you have time to do extensive research rather than narrow. If you are too focused on small areas of their own, they will not know that other areas may be a matter for you now have a dramatic effect in the information and ideas. Unless there is time to range widely, learn from others doing, or the invention of a new rare, innovation can not happen. Innovation almost always just the idea of ​​two or more known together in novel ways. Information thin, people thought the simple, difficult to be creative and leading-type figure. herve leger skirt
   Sometimes reduce the amount of work is not voluntary, but the environment dictates can provide limited opportunities. As a young Winston Churchill in the case of India: Churchill stationed in India took advantage of the then free time to re-read the book ignored by the university. This experience to benefit his life.
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   Wen Jui said: "The real experts will fine, gas, God focused on the strike." In life, it is a wise focus. Because in a period of time, a person's resources and energy are limited, the number of pieces you can not do both equally important, they are very difficult to do. The chores also will occupy your space, you will spend. The world's dramatic increase in openness and information, to the collective choice and individual development opportunities, but also brought a lot of the spirit of slack and tired. Select like a river, it becomes more wide, more people have drowned in it. People need more and more strong swimming skills, but also need to travel in the right direction, because you can not go on such tours.

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