Thursday, June 23, 2011

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China's foreign ministry has said that the Chinese side is looking forward herve leger dress this visit, are actively take the last phase of the preparatory work. Believe in the joint efforts of all parties, premier wen jiabao's current visit will be a complete success.

The European debt crisis sound the red alert herve leger dress lend a helping hand herve leger dress China

European central bank President jean-claude trichet June 23 said the debt crisis have sound the red alert, this is the most serious threat herve leger dress financial stability. Not only are Mr Trichet, federal reserve chairman Ben bernanke also in Europe debt crisis issued a warning. Bernanke said, error will trigger a European political issues, and will spread herve leger dress the United States and the global financial sector.

The People's Daily newspaper published an article 23,, says some countries have sovereignty from Europe debt crisis since, Asian countries did not stand idly by, but herve leger dress take a positive action, help European countries deal with the crisis. China and Japan as the first, the second largest economy in Asia and foreign exchange reserves powers, have said will be actual action continue herve leger dress support the European financial stability situation.

This article points out that Europe is China's important economic partners. French media reported that date in China for months already with the action of the euro zone that support. In the state council premier wen jiabao visit Hungary, Britain and Germany eve, China's foreign ministry 21,, the Chinese side for the eu herve leger dress reiterate the debt crisis. The Chinese government has taken additional euro bond, promote the sino-eu economic and trade cooperation in investment and a series of an active measures herve leger dress support the euro zone countries overcome the crisis,. The Chinese are willing herve leger dress continue through the cooperation with the relevant countries, help European countries realize steady economic growth. Reuters report, in the Greek debt problem worse, the market will close attention herve leger dress China's prime minister when this trip herve leger dress Europe on how herve leger dress deal with the debt crisis of the comment

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